Are you looking for a new direction?
Do you want work that pays the bills and is meaningful and satisfying too?
You’ve come to the right place.
Welcome to Changing Course!
Our mission is to provide you—our clients—with the guidance, encouragement and support to live your life on purpose, work at what you love, and follow your own road.
At Changing Course,our foundation is the Life First, Work Second™ approach to career planning. When you work with us, we focus on designing your work around the life you want to live. We do this through:
One-on-one coaching
Small group advising
Large group training
Peer support
Whether your dream is still an inkling in your mind or you know exactly what you yearn to do…
something is holding you back.
Whether your dream is still an inkling in your mind or you know exactly what you yearn to do…
something is holding you back.
Maybe you haven’t quite figured out exactly how to turn your idea into income. . .
Maybe you’ve been told that your idea is “silly” or “unrealistic“
Or, maybe your dream is just so big and fabulous that you just don’t know where to begin!
We can help you!
We love helping people discover creative ways to make a living doing what they love. We have tools and resources that can help you to find your calling and live life on your own terms.
We know that an increasing number of people are looking to give up their corporate cubicle for a path that brings them more balance and more joy. In fact, there are so many people looking for a change that Changing Course has trained over 300 coaches in 12 countries through our Profiting from Your Passions® Career Coach Program.
Let us show you ways that you can turn your interests into income and live the life of your dreams!
Are you looking for a change?
Let one of our featured coaches help you to make the changes you are seeking.
We have great tools and resources to help you along your Changing Course path!