Every so often in life, an extraordinary opportunity presents itself.
This is one of those times…
Tap Your Wildest Dreams… Find Your True Calling… and Take a Giant Leap
Toward a Whole New Life…
Six months from now, you could be doing work you really love… and enjoying the freedom, flexibility, and quality of life you deserve.
Find out from experts Barbara Sher, Barbara Winter, and Valerie Young exactly how you can make it happen… starting today.
Dear Change Seeker,
Do you ever dream about this mythical “other life” where somehow all the bills get paid… and so you get to be a photographer… or write children’s books… or run a spiritual-renewal retreat… or open a pet spa… or cook gourmet meals as a personal chef… or work as a collectibles consultant… whatever it is you’d rather be doing than going to your job every day?
Those were the kinds of questions Georgeanne was asking herself. She had this dream of creating an artists’ community, but no idea about how to do it or make a living at it… and a growing sense of despair at the prospect.
But then she attended a life-changing workshop in Boulder, Colorado called Making Dreams Happen. Just eight weeks later she wrote to say:
Just want to thank you. I had been working on my own for 3 years and hit a major slump. I had no clients, no money and no support. No one in my life was self-employed or taking risks and I was beginning to feel like a failure. “Anyway, I just had to let you know the positive things that have manifested in my life since the conference. I dreamed of starting a community of self-employed artists… 3 weeks ago a 4-story brownstone in my neighborhood went on the market, so I made an offer with the seller financing 100% of the loan (what a long shot.
Turns out she wants to sell to someone with roots in the community, who is self-employed and a go getter. I plan to rent the upper levels as student apartments, which should take care of the mortgage, and make 4 studios in the basement for myself and 3 other artist/self bossers. What do you know – instant community! Thanks again for helping me get my mojo back. Keep doing what you do.
A Life-Changing Program
Georgeanne isn’t the only one who turned came away from this workshop with a plan of action for making her dreams happen. When Sharon arrived in Colorado, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do or be… she only knew she needed a change. At mid-life, she and her husband were getting a divorce and selling their business – a time of great flux and uncertainty.
Just four months later, she’d already begun to reinvent herself. Over the course of the workshop, Sharon arrived at the idea of taking a six-month sabbatical… to travel, maybe do some volunteer work. Within six months, she planned to kick it off with a three-month journey through Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific.
Two participants at the Making Dreams Happen Workshop told her she should write a book… she wasn’t sure she had one in her, but she realized she’d always been interested in reading and writing about travel. So she’s signed herself up for an intensive travel writing course to be taken between now and her departure. She plans to write about her adventures on the road and sent me an email saying:
This is the beginning of my book… who knows where it will end. It’s true when you take action, things will fall into place. I let go of what I had been looking at as a loss… and now my new life is falling into place minute-by-minute. Every time that I stop to think about what is happening with me, I get goose bumps. Dreams do happen.
Combining Interests, Talents,
and Dreams… to Create a Whole New Life
When she came to Making Dreams Happen, Kellie Jo didn’t have any idea what she wanted to do either… but by the time she completed the program, she had direction and momentum. She came up with a useful list of what she really enjoys doing and a revealing list of what, deep inside, she always dreamed of accomplishing. Even more important, she outlined a plan of action that would put to use the whole gamut of her interests, talents, and dreams.
In working through the exercises and talking with other participants, Kellie Jo came to realize she could combine her people skills with her interest in problem-solving. She likes working with kids and adolescents, too. She’d always dreamed of writing a book. Seemingly disparate facts, perhaps… but they’ve all come into play since Making Dreams Happen as she’s begun to put her dreams into motion.
An incredible positive, supportive experience. Totally life-changing!
During the program, she struck upon the idea of being a coach. A handful of weeks later, she was well into a coaching certification program and is doing some volunteer coaching to get some practical experience.
She’s taking a course in how to write children’s books and, she reports, loving it. In the interest of learning more about kids, she’s now spending her Saturday nights as a volunteer at the organ-transplant unit of a local children’s hospital and says, “I’m getting more out of it than the kids are.” She’s set a deadline for herself to have her first book outline ready within two months.
Amazing. Extremely valuable. Full of resources and ideas. Great practical information. Inspirational and extremely helpful in finding where you want to go with your ideas. Great way to learn about being an entrepreneur.
The list of success stories goes on and on. But my point, really, is this: You can make your dreams happen. You can find a way to do work you really love… and embrace the freedom, flexibility, and quality of life you deserve.
Armed with the proven advice, hard-won wisdom, and hands-on exercises the Making Dreams Happen program teaches, you can do it much faster than you ever could on your own…
You may not have had the good fortune to sit with Georgeanne, Sharon, Kellie Jo, and the others in Colorado… but that doesn’t mean you can’t still benefit.
You see, we recorded the whole event… every last life-changing word. We call it the Making Dreams Happen Audio Program.
It’s a way for you to “sit in” at the workshop… and learn exactly how to create for yourself a roadmap for success, a plan of action that outlines what you need to do, in specific terms, to get from where you are today… to working at what you love.
Totally transformational and inspiring.
You’ll Come Away With
New Conviction… New Direction…
and a Concrete Plan
I should make one thing very clear up front: If you are looking for tips on how to write a winning resume, climb the corporate ladder, or dress for success… the Making Dreams Happen Audio Program is not for you.
But if, instead, you’re looking for a more satisfying livelihood where you call your own shots… then I encourage you to listen in. Maybe you know what you want to do, but you just can’t quite get started… or maybe you really haven’t figured out what it is you want to be when you grow up. Either way, this program will put you on the fast-track to living your dream. You’ll –
- Discover the 10 steps to escaping the job world and creating the life you really want. We’ll lead you, step-by-step, down the path. By the time you’ve listened to all 23 tracks, you’ll be going at a sprint…
- Learn how to set all your dream-dashing talk aside and focus on creative new possibilities for a life where you’re in charge. You’ll come away with a sure-fire way to banish the “I wish I could… but…” and replace it with surprisingly productive ideas you probably didn’t know you had in you…
- Find out why there has never been a better time to be your own boss… and turn your passions into profits…
- Discover the secret to creating multiple income channels… and learn ways you can get started quickly with little or no money…
- Find out how to battle the “Resistance Monster” and turn your fears and worries into positive action… (Don’t worry, no motivational pep-talks here. This is meaty, enlightening stuff that will teach you to unravel resistance… and reveal how it might just be a sign of high self-esteem.)
- Find out what Ted Koppel, Daniel Boone, and Albert Einstein figured out years ago about what it really means to wing it… and learn how to apply this powerful secret to your own life and work…
- Learn how “lying”” may actually reveal your deepest yearnings or desires…
- Find out how to tap into the resources all around you (you won’t believe where some of them hide)… and create networks that can help you turn your dreams into reality fast…
- They might look to you like impending disaster… but find out what “spaghetti days” are, why you should cherish them, and how, in fact, they play a critical part in helping you rise to challenges and reaffirm your dreams…
- Learn why “forcing a positive attitude” is no way to operate… and why complaining can actually help you achieve your dream…
- And much, much more…
Life First, Work Second
The first step in identifying and defining your dream is thinking, as I like to put it: Life first, work second. In other words: First you figure out what you want your life to look like, then you figure out work that fits that goal. It sounds simple, I know… but it’s easy to get sidetracked
A highlight in my life — tools and motivation to continue my journey.
Lynn, for example, came to Making Dreams Happen wanting to be a comedy show writer. What she hadn’t considered was that a studio job would likely require commuting in stand-still traffic on the Los Angeles freeway several hours a day.
Turns out the commute didn’t pass the “life-first test” for Lynn. She realized she’d really rather a) work from home and b) pretty much work alone. So she went back to the career-change blackboard and this time landed on the idea of being a work-from-home writer of a humorous slice-of-life column (think Erma Bombeck for baby-boomers).
Not three weeks after completing Making Dreams Happen, she sent me her first column. It was not only hilarious, but dead-on. If anybody can launch a career as a nationally-syndicated columnist, this very funny and determined dreamer can.
The Making Dreams Happen Audio Program will help you do exactly what Georgeanne, Sharon, Kellie Jo, and Lynn, did – figure out what you really want your life to look like… and then come up with practical ideas and a plan of action for satisfying work that will allow you to live that life.
How to Get from Where You Are Today…
to Doing What You Love
This program is fabulous! I’m getting value, enthusiasm, encouragement and a bit of a push. It’s hard to do nothing when you have all this motivation.
Follow your bliss… because the number of creative ways you can live your dream is endless. Sometimes it might be a matter of doing what you’re already doing… but at the same time, paying a little more attention to fantasies you long ago laid aside…
Consider Peg: She came to Making Dreams Happen figuring on changing careers. But instead, she discovered that though she was weary of some aspects of the corporate world, she was already doing work she really loved, editing books for children. So instead of quitting her job, she turned her attention to leaving the office on time so she could pursue interests she’d long neglected. She told me:
I’ve loved reading about archaeology ever since I was about 10. I majored in anthropology in college and always dreamed of going on a dig. I’d just always imagined that ‘sometime’ I’d find six months to spend on a dig in some marvelously exotic corner of the world – and of course that time never arrived. After the workshop, I figured, well, going on a dig is one dream that I can make happen now!“I had only a week of vacation left for the year, but I looked in the Earthwatch catalogue and to my surprise discovered a one-week dig session was available this fall. Even better, it was in New Mexico – one of my favorite places in the world and a spot I’d been yearning to go back and visit. (I went to grad school in NM back in the 70s and returned frequently in the 90s on a work project.) So I called Earthwatch, learned there were still a couple of openings, and signed up… I leave Saturday morning!
An Unprecedented Opportunity:
The Wisdom of Three Experts in One Place
Before I go into any more detail, let me take a moment to introduce my colleagues and myself – the people you’ll hear from in this comprehensive program:

The late Barbara Sher was a career counselor, world-renowned speaker, and author. She appeared on national and local radio and television, including Oprah, The Today Show, and 60 Minutes, among others.
Barbara was perhaps best known for her five New York Times bestselling books including…
Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want, has sold well over a million copies.
If you read Barbara’s next book, I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was, you know she was a master at helping people tune into their gifts.
Her last book, Refuse To Choose deals with people who have so many interests they’re unable to choose only one. Barbara called them “scanners.”
If you’ve been told all your life to “just pick something and stick to it”… you’ll love Barbara’s advice!
In fact according to Barbara, scanners aren’t dilettantes or undisciplined. And they don’t change interests because of A.D.D. or a fear of success. Instead, she says scanners tend “to be highly intelligent, multi-talented people who need to have more interests than the average person.”
Throughout the program, Barbara shares her wit, wisdom, and most importantly her proven methods to guide you step-by-step, through what you need to do to transform your life into something extraordinary.

The late Barbara Winter is the second principal speaker you’ll hear from. She is the author of the bestselling book, Making a Living Without a Job: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You Love, and a self-employment advocate who found her own right livelihood after overcoming her early notions that work was meant to be drudgery.
A former high school English teacher, Barbara has turned her considerable energies to the teaching of adults. Her popular seminars, including “Making a Living Without a Job” and “Establish Yourself as an Expert,” are regularly held throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
This Barbara, too, lends her considerable experience and talents to the goal of helping you figure out how to best take the passions most dear to you and turn them into real-world opportunities.

Dr. Valerie Young, and since 1995 I’m the former Dreamer-in-Residence at Changing Course, where I’ve built a reputation for helping people turn their passions into profits.
Today 28,000 people subscribe to the Changing Course newsletter. And my advice has been cited in these and other publications around the world – further proof that the desire to make a living doing what you love is universal.
My methods have been so successful that I’ve gone on to train over 250 people from 18 countries how to become licensed Profiting from Your Passions® Career Coaches.
I’m also considered an expert on something called the “impostor syndrome” and recently wrote a book on the topic called The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women.
You may not have heard the term before but I bet you’re familiar with the nagging self-doubt that says, “If I can do it anyone can!” or “I was just lucky” or “I’m still waiting for the No Talent Police to show up and arrest me!”
Feelings that by the way are most likely to pop up whenever you embark on something new… like for instance changing careers or starting your own business.
If you struggle with self-confidence you’re in luck.
Because when you purchase Making Dreams Happen you’ll get to the very same confidence-building advice I’ve shared with over over 60,000 people from such diverse organizations as Intel, Chrysler, Boeing, Procter & Gamble, Merck, American Women in Radio and Television, Harvard, Stanford, MIT, and many more.
But perhaps what I’m most proud of is the fact that I abandoned my corporate cubicle and my 90-mile-a-day commute to launch Changing Course. And today I am doing work and living a life I love.
And my goal with the Making Dreams Happen Audio Program is to help you do the same.
Give Your Dreams the Attention
They Deserve
The bottom line is: If you want to work doing something you love… if you want more control over your time and your life… if you crave a better balance of family and friends and work… then you have to really focus on your dreams. Yet I know how hard it can be to find the time for that when your day-to-day commitments already have you stretched too thin.
The format of the Making Dreams Happen Audio Program makes it a lot easier, though. That’s because you can listen to it whenever it’s convenient for you… in your car, in your kitchen, early in the morning, or at midnight…
The program is designed to guide you to your dream life… at your own pace. (Though I think you’ll find that once you start “sitting in” on the sessions you won’t be able to stop. The energy and enthusiasm are contagious.)
Roll Up Your Sleeves, Get Involved,
and Create for Yourself a Roadmap to Success
This program demands you roll up your sleeves and get involved. You’ll be asked to do some thinking on your own, sure, but you’ll also work through various exercises designed to expand your horizons and help focus your creative energy – whether you know what your dream is or not.
Plus we put you in touch with other audio program participants, so you have an active network of fellow participants with whom you can brainstorm, share advice, and ask questions. You might be listening to the program on your own set of headphones… but you’ll never feel as if you’re reaching for your dream all alone.
Over the course of the full program, we’ll help you…
- Tap into your deepest passions, hopes, and dreams. You might be surprised at what you discover!
- Explore the practical matter of turning those passions, hopes, and dreams into a livelihood. You’ll come away understanding the dream-busting myths about self-employment you must absolutely ignore… the secrets to thinking like an entrepreneur… how to make a living without a job through the power of multiple income streams… and much more.
- Tackle the roadblocks… what’s keeping you stuck… and teach you how to navigate around them. You’ll learn how to use the CLUE technique to generate fascinating business ideas… and open up an incredible range of positive possibilities and creative alternatives to having a job.
- Find out if you fall into the “Expert Trap,” the “Rugged Individualist Trap,” the “Natural Genius Trap,” or the “Perfectionist Trap”… and what to do to free yourself…
- Find out what every expert knows. Learn how to create visibility for yourself… proven ways to package what you know… and how to get the media to promote your expertise, often without spending a dime…
- Throw an idea party… and get a team of fun, creative people to help you brainstorm ideas about your wildest dreams.
- Learn big and small ways you can keep your dream on track, even when you have no spare time to attend to it… plus four little words that will jump start any plan…
- Explore the myths and realities of working for yourself… and talk about the big “M” – money. Get a primer on the nuts-and-bolts of changing course (from marketing your business to getting health insurance). Find out how the attitudes you learned about money as a child could be undermining your dreams…
- Discover the surprising effect “switching genders” can have on your dream…
- Figure out what kind of support you’ll need and where you can find it… plus learn the one place you should never look for a boost…
- Find out how to run a successful Success Team from the woman who invented them. (Mademoiselle called Barbara Sher’s Success Teams “everything your family should have been and probably wasn’t.”) “Isolation is a dream-killer,” as Barbara says… this is your ticket to connectedness… and success…
- Learn how to live now and enjoy the present… while, at the same time, you’re moving toward the future…
Everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about making your dreams come true.
All You Need is Your Computer
and Your Enthusiasm
You don’t need to have a well-defined goal to find this program life-changing. In fact, you don’t even need to know exactly what your dream is… we’ll help you figure all of that out.
But what you do need is a curiosity about the world… a mind open to ideas and possibilities you might never have thought of before… and an eagerness to start something new in your life.
We’ll give you all the tools to make it happen, including extensive materials that will keep you focused long after you’ve listened to the last audio track.
When you sign on for the Making Dreams Happen Audio Program, you receive not only the full audio program in tracks that you can play on your computer or download onto your MP3 player, but also the Making Dreams Happen Companion Guide, containing nearly 200 pages of helpful tools, exercises, articles, resources, and wisdom you can refer to again and again.
This collection is an invaluable resource. It’s a workbook, really, with hands-on worksheets through which you track your dreams, the steps you need to take, and your progress. Plus, it includes all sorts of useful tools for getting your new life off the ground – from a Business Plan template, to a Multiple Income Stream worksheet, to a Resource Guide on how to set up your own Success Team.
Become a participant in the Making Dreams Happen Audio Program, and you’ll come away with an attainable vision for your new life, a do-able plan for making your dreams happen, and the confidence and support you need to take the leap.
Whether you dream of starting your own import-export business… writing a best-selling novel… owning a dude ranch… working with kids… helping underprivileged families…
… whatever your passion… deep inside you know what you really love to do, the life you dream of having.
Through the Making Dreams Happen Audio Program, you’ll learn how to harness that vision… and build a life around it that not only provides you a living… but feeds your spirit, too.
Participants at the Making Dreams Happen Workshop in Boulder paid $1,297 plus the price of their transportation, meals, and overnight stays in order to gather this know-how firsthand. Every last one agreed it was worth every penny.
But now you can “sit in” on the four days of intensive, interactive workshop sessions for a small fraction of that price. And you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Sign up for the Making Dreams Happen Audio Program, and for just $149, you can put yourself on the fast track to a life you’ll be able to look back on with satisfaction and pride.
You’ll have immediate access to the recorded audio and resources given in this amazing program.
P.S. If the idea of loving what you do appeals to you, then I strongly encourage you to give your dream the attention it deserves. When Barbara Sher, Barbara Winter, and Valerie Young got together and created Making Dreams Happen, even we were astounded by the high-energy momentum it generated – every bit of which comes through on this audio program. You’ll feel just like you’re in the room with us and with your fellow participants. There’s no other resource like this available… a program that lets you participate at your own pace, but also connects you to a network of like-minded dreamers.
*Because this product delivery is immediate and fully digital, we cannot accept any requests for refunds.