Yes You Can: The Inspirational Kick in the Pants You Need to Take Control of Your Life and Go After Your Dreams

Yes You Can! contains practical tips from fellow travelers – real people who embarked on their own personal journey – that will inspire and motivate you as you begin your new life. For example…

  • Don’t have a “Plan B” if you quit your current job? Neither did Jerry Stocking. Find out how he did it on page 38.
  • Page 17 will provide you with a huge tool that will enable you to free up more time than you ever thought possible.
  • Afraid that following your dream will reduce your income? It doesn’t have to be that way… start reading on page 5.
  • Does it seem like everyone else’s needs always come before yours? Find out what to do, starting on page 17.

If you really want to create a more balanced, rewarding life doing work you truly love, you’ll need to create a mindset that will instantly turn “can’t” into “can.”

That’s exactly what you’ll get in Yes You Can! With a little help you’ll learn to banish “can’t” from your vocabulary and begin living life on your own terms.


Fear… Self-Doubt… Procrastination… 

Are These Dream-Busters
Keeping You From Going After Your Dreams?

Today… With Just A Little Encouragement,
You Can Take Control Of Your Life And Truly Live
A Richer, More Balanced Life Doing Work You Really Love

“By the time you’ve hit your 20’s,” says Walter Anderson, author of Courage is a Three Letter Word and The Greatest Risk of All, “you’ll have heard a whopping 25,000 “can’ts.”

Twenty-five THOUSAND… that’s a lot of “can’ts.”

“You can’t work at what you love and make a good living.” “Impossible. Can’t be done.”

What most people call “reality” is a very poor place to nurture dreams… and to share them to others? Forget it.

Erma Bombeck once said, “It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.” Erma knew that other people’s fear, skepticism and negativity can be as contagious as the flu. And unless you’ve built up your immune system, these dream stompers can knock you – and your precious dreams – for a loop.

Don’t believe me? Imagine announcing to your family and friends that you’ve decided to quit your job to become a writer, or a personal organizer, or an aroma-therapist, or work with animals, or pursue your love for antiques, or travel the world for a year. What do you think their reaction would be? Would they encourage you to “go for it? Or might it sound more like this…

“Yeah, right in your dreams.”
“It’ll never work.”
“Better to play it safe.”

If you listen to the naysayers out there, the message is loud and clear. Stay stuck, don’t even dare to hope, forget your dreams.

Is it any wonder you’re probably finding it hard to take control of your life and whole-heartedly pursue your dreams?

Think about how all the “It’ll never work,” “Forget your crazy dreams,” “You should be happy that you have a job,” messages have buried themselves deep into your psyche and affected how you see the world.

For example, if you sat down right now and took a personal inventory of your life, would your list look something like this?

  • I’m miserable in my job. But it’s impossible to make any money doing what I love.
  • I fell like life is passing me by… but there’s nothing I can do about it.
  • I keep thinking there has to be more to life than this…. I suppose I should just forget my crazy dreams

Sound familiar? Okay, so what do you do?

Well, for starters you might want to think about what will happen if you do nothing. Close your eyes and picture what your life will be like if you continue to be ruled by your fears and self-doubts and heed the red lights thrown up by your well-meaning family and friends. In other words, imagine staying where you are right now… day after day, year after year dragging yourself through the work week until you retire. Pretty scary isn’t it?

Now imagine feeling encouraged and empowered to go after your dream. Picture yourself looking back at your life and basking in the self-satisfaction of knowing you went for it…. If you like the way that felt then you’ve already begun to experience how powerful it is to readjust your thinking. You see the thing is…

If you really want to create a more balanced,
rewarding life doing work you truly love,
you’ll need to create a mindset that will
instantly turn ‘can’t’ into ‘can.

There will always be dream dashers.

But the world is also full of people who believe in the power of a dream. There’s just no better way to adjust your mindset than by “hanging out” with a group of people who know how to guide you along your path and give you that inspirational jolt you need to stop wishing and start doing.

Yes You Can

That’s exactly what you’ll get in Yes You Can! The Inspirational Kick in the Pants You Need To Take Control Of Your Life and Go After Your Dreams.

In Yes You Can!, I’ve gathered today’s foremost life-change experts to supercharge your efforts and ignite your passion. People like…

Barbara Sher. Career-change guru Barbara’s first book Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want, sold over million copies. She’s also the author of I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was, Live the Life You Love, and It’s Only Too Late If You Don’t Start Now:  How to Create Your Second Life at Any Age (which is also the title of her hilarious hour-long PBS special). Barbara has appeared on such shows as Oprah, The Donahue Show, The Today Show, 60 Minutes, CNN and Good Morning America.

Joe Martin. Joe knows a few things about the power of “Yes” thinking. In spite of being reared in one of the toughest inner-city ghettos in Miami, Florida, Joe started his first business at the age of 22 and his second at the age of 26. At 24 he became the youngest, tenured-earning faculty member ever hired to teach at a state university in Florida. He’s also the founder and president of RealWorld University.

Steve Simms. Known as America’s Encouragement Engineer Steve is the author of Mindrobics: How To Be Happy For The Rest Of Your Life, a practical and long-term approach to attitude engineering. Steve is also the Executive Director of Attitude-Lifter Enterprises

Pamela York Klainer. Dubbed the “money shrink” by Money magazine, Pamela consults on the use of money stories as a transformational tool for individuals and faith communities. Pamela’s book is called How Much Is Enough: Harness the Power of Your Money Story – and Change Your Life.

Bob Baker. Bob is passionate about helping creative types make their dreams come true. He’s the author of four books Unleash the Artist WithinGuerrilla Music Marketing Handbook Branding Yourself Online, and Sell Your Arts, Crafts, and Photography Online.

Barbara Winter. An internationally-known speaker, Barbara helps people discover their passions and turn them into profitable businesses. She’s the author of the best-selling book, Making a Living Without a Job: Winning Ways for Creating Work That You Love and the publisher of Winning Ways, the newsletter for people living and working with passion.

But that’s not all. You’ll also hear from real people, just like you, who’ve reclaimed their lives… and their dreams. These are people who’ve been where you are right now and found a way out. People who said YES to their dreams and are now living them.

I’ve included refugees from corporate America, a former welfare recipient, a musician who found a niche where he can live his dream, people who always dreamed of being writers – all now living life on their own terms.

But what’s most important,
Yes You Can
 is packed with
hope, inspiration, and practical tips that will
propel you towards your dream life

Tips like:

  • If you’re afraid that following your dream will reduce your income, start reading page 5.
  • A full EIGHTY percent of people opt out on their dreams due to this common and very manageable obstacle. Read page 11… then find out how you can avoid this barrier.
  • What to do if everyone else’s needs always seem to come before yours? Barbara Sher gives you the answer on page 17.
  • Wish you had more leisure time? Read page 21 to find out how to “recapture” leisure.
  • On page 27, Barbara Winter reveals how you can use your thoughts to shape your reality.

Yes You Can! also contains wise words from fellow travelers – individuals who are embarking on their own personal journey – that will inspire and motivate you as you begin your new life. You can read them on page 54. And Jeffrey White identifies a common “angst” on page 51 and gives you the tools to douse it.

You’ll also find out:

  • Don’t have a “Plan B” if you quit your current job? Neither did Jerry Stocking. Find out how he did it on page 38.
  • Page 17 will provide you with a huge tool that will enable you to free up more time than you thought possible.
  • Forget excuses. Barbara Winter will show you how you can build an “Option Bank” and watch your creativity – and your options – ignite. Details are on page 13.

If you’re ready to finally go after your dreams, this isn’t a time to delay. As baby-boom expert and contributor Mike Bella puts it…

Temporary choices have a way of
becoming permanent ones,
and today’s procrastinations become
tomorrow’s regrets.

Don’t procrastinate and allow this opportunity to slip away. Face your future with excitement and wonder… not regret.

Banish “can’t” from your vocabulary and begin living life on your own terms.

Order Yes You Can! The Inspirational Kick in the Pants You Need To Take Control of Your Life and Go After Your Dreams right now for only $29.00.

It’s a decision you’ll never regret.