Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™

Why Capable Change Seekers, Small Business Owners and Aspiring Entrepreneurs Feel Like Impostors and What to Do About It  


Do you chalk your success up to luck, timing, or computer error?


Do you believe “If I can do it, anybody can”?


Do you agonize over even the smallest flaws in your work?


Are you crushed by even constructive criticism, seeing it as evidence of your ineptness?


When you do succeed, do you think “fooled them again”?

If so, join the club!

Millions of people — CEOs and entry-level professionals, first year college students and PhDs, artists and programmers, change seekers, small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs — secretly worry they’re not as smart or talented or qualified as other people “think” they are. It’s called impostor syndrome. Left unchecked, it can lead to costly consequences not only for individuals but for their organizations, their livelihoods and their dreams as well. 

If you are a change seeker, small business owner, self-bosser, solopreneur or aspiring entrepreneur, you may experience impostor feelings when:


Representing yourself as an expert


Being interviewed (television, radio, podcast, or a new job)


Creating and launching your first product or service


A launch falls short of expectations

Impostor feelings may also creep in when you:


Have to promote or “sell” yourself or your product or service


Fail to get a contract, sale or grant


Have to handle multiple unfamiliar roles (technology, systems, accounting, managing employees, etc.)

Fortunately, there is a solution.

Join us on March 18, 2023 for the Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™ workshop facilitated by Kate Navarro Fessler, licensed associate of the Impostor Syndrome Institute.

In this interactive session you will:


Understand what impostor syndrome is – and what it is not


Discover the sources of impostor feelings


Understand how impostor syndrome intersects with diversity and inclusion – and why it matters


Identify your personal “Competence Type"


Understand the individual and organizational costs of impostor syndrome


Leave with practical, immediately usable tools to help yourself and/or those you manage, mentor, or parent to address impostor syndrome

If you feel yourself holding back or engaging in behaviors to avoid the risk of putting yourself out there, it has to be affecting your bottom line. And that could mean the difference between achieving your dream or abandoning it.

The Rethinking Impostor Syndrome workshop will shed light on how you might be getting in your own way and give you practical tools to help you move forward.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

9:00 am Pacific/noon Eastern US time

Via Zoom


If you work for or are a member of an organization that could benefit from, and has budget for, this type of program Kate would love to have a conversation with you and/or your organization about that opportunity.

The workshop will be recorded, but under the license terms with Impostor Syndrome Institute, it will only be available to view by registered attendees with a login and password and will  not be available for download.

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