10 MORE Ways to Get Paid to Brainstorm

February 24, 2017 | ChangingCourse.com

MThe idea people who joined me for this week’s Paid to Brainstorm Webinar discovered Why Showing People How to Find Business and Income-Generating Ideas THE Next Big Wave in Coaching.

If you missed this eye-opening webinar you can catch an ENCORE.

In fact, I showed you 15 – count’em — FIFTEEN ways you can get paid to brainstorm.

Some probably didn’t surprise you.

Like the opportunity to serve the 10,000 baby boomers who are retiring e-v-e-r-y single day.

Just the kind of people who need help coming up with ways they could make an extra $500 or $1,000 a month.

But a few of the stats in the webinar might surprise you (like the growth in entrepreneurship among female vets)!

Or maybe in addition to being an idea person you also like to teach.

If so, you’ll definitely be surprised by the different ways for you to make money speaking or running workshops.

(Beverly Farrow who you’ll meet on camera in a second, just spoke to a packed audience of men and women who showed up to hear her talk: “Find Your Genius and Work in It.”)

But truly, the 15 opportunities I shared on the webinar just scratched the surface.

Why Brainstorming Income-Generating Ideas is THE Next Big Wave in Coaching

If you want to cash in on this wave, all you need to do is follow the trends.

In fact, I created an entire Fact Sheet with a host of trends leading to opportunities for career coaches who know how to think outside the job box.


So in addition the 15 ways I outlined in the Paid to Brainstorm webinar, here’s 10 MORE ways you can cash in on these and other trends.

NEW Opportunity #16 Stay-at-home moms

There are already millions of stay-at-home parents – mostly moms — who also want a home based business.

Add to that group, all the young parents who are still in their job-jobs but who’d l-o-v-e to find a way to afford to stay at home with their kids.

That’s why I wanted you to meet Jen Schultz (she’s the last coach in the Opportunity Detectives video below) of CreativeIncomeDesign.com from British Columbia

Jen was already a successful life coach when she and her husband were expecting their first child.

That’s when she decided to run workshops for new or expecting mothers looking to work from home.

NEW Opportunity #17:  Women eager for more work-life balance

Women present a great opportunity.

For one, women tend to have a more layered definition of success that includes things like balance, meaning, satisfaction.

Just the kind of person who needs help finding a satisfying business idea.

That’s probably why women-owned businesses have been growing at a faster rate than all businesses.

And why according to researchers…

Women entrepreneurs are happier – and better paid – than their employee counterparts.

You’ll find lots of stats in the Fact Sheet about women from all over the world.

But I have to say I’ve had some amazing male clients.

NEW Opportunity #18:  Freeing men from job jail


Men on the other hand, have been saddled with a model of success where their self-worth is judged solely on money, status, and power.

I’ve worked with a number of high earning men who face tremendous pressure from their spouses to maintain a certain lifestyle.

So these men are expected to just suck it up.

Tim Grover from Illinois is one of those men who wants to help change that.

Tim ran his own business for 20 years so he’s pretty much hardwired for self-employment.

He doesn’t only coach men.

But being one he understands the pressures men face to stay in their soul sucking job.

So today he runs ChangingLifeBulbs.com as a fun side gig.

Another angle is recently retired men who hate sitting around doing nothing.

And having a fun side gig is just the solution!

Opportunity Featured on the Webinar: People who may share your race or ethnicity

As you’ll see in your Paid to Brainstorm Fact Sheet, race is another demographic where we see an upward trend.

For instance, women of color are starting businesses at 3 to 5 times the rate of other groups.

And the highest rates of growth in entrepreneurship among Hispanics.

If you’re a person of color — or if you have a strong affinity with any racial or ethnic group – then it may make sense to niche in that community.

Even if you start out focusing more broadly you may discover that – just like a lot of women follow me or millennials tend to follow other millennials – other people of color may just naturally gravitate to you.

Or you may decide to be deliberate in reaching out specially to a specific community.

Like Maru Lozano from Los Angeles.

Maru has a real passion for entrepreneurship.

So one of the things she decided to do after graduating from Princeton was help Latino youth.

Both those who are college-bound as well as those who need someone to help them think outside the job box.

Here’s Maru talking about her experience in the course:%CODEMARU%

NEW Opportunity #19  Helping young people


Every year my local TV station does a story on these poor high school kids on the hunt for a summer job.

They put in applications at the mall or the fast food places… but they just can’t find a job.

And every year I scream at the TV – Make a job!

Wash windows, detail cars, mow lawns, babysit, repair computers!

They’ll probably make more money and they’ll be happier too.

Instead we’ve become a nation of occupational sheep passively waiting for someone to give us a job.

That’s why I was thrilled when a school teacher in Canada named Jennifer signed up for the upcoming career coach training.

Jennifer knows the future of work is changing.

And she knows schools are going to be on the forefront of helping students (and other teachers!) expand their thinking from getting a job to creating a livelihood.

Then there’s licensed Profiting From Your Passions® coach Celeste St. Hill.

She lives on the beautiful Caribbean island of Barbados where she leads groups for teenage girls.

Celeste told me she encourages the girls to have big dreams.

I immediate thought of a line from a book by the oral historian Studs Terkel.

Among the people he interviewed was a young woman who said…

“I think most of us are looking for a calling, not a job.

Most of us, like the assembly line worker, have jobs that are too small for our spirit.”

Maybe that’s why more adults are searching for work that pays the bills and feeds their soul.

Which is a nice segue into another opportunity…

Opportunity Featured on the Webinar:  The enormous faith-based community

In addition to her work with teens, Celeste also describes herself as a Christian coach.

Here’s Celeste describing her work here and in other niches too…%CODECELESTE%

NEW Opportunity #20 People with disabilities

Another group that’s very open to self-employment are people who have a disability.

I’ve personally had several clients who are blind.

And at least two of the students who trained with me were blind as well.

Sylvia Green is not blind.

But she does have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia – a condition shared by an estimated 200 to 400 million — mostly women — around the world.

In her own coaching Sylvia says her goal is to help women like herself to quote…

“find the confidence to put their health first and create their life around their work instead of the other way around.”

This next opportunity is pretty unusual!

Opportunity Featured on the Webinar: People into “Weird” things

Kimberly Stewart from Colorado specializes in people who are into the kinds of off the beaten path things she likes.

Like renaissance festivals or Comic-Con which is the huge conference for comic book lovers.

Or people who are into astrology or science fiction movies or vampires and other paranormal stuff.

Exactly the kind of people who are least likely to fit into the conventional 9 to 5 grind.

Opportunity Featured on the Webinar: Specific personality types

You could specialize with people who have a particular personality type – like for instance, introverts.

That’s what Julia Barnickle from England did.

Julia is an introvert herself. So she understands that introverts who start a business aren’t keen on making sales calls or going to networking events! Right?!

NEW Opportunity #21 Creative types


In the last few years I’ve seen a real uptick in artists taking my class – adults that is 🙂

One of them is Maryjane Harford from upstate New York.

The vast majority of artists struggle financially.

But Maryjane has spent most of her life as a working artist and craftsperson.

So today Maryjane is also a coach who helps other creative types find ways they can profit from their handiwork as well.

NEW Opportunity #22 Travel lovers

The number one thing travel lovers care about is being able to work from anywhere.

So obviously they’re going to be hugely attracted to self-employment in general and portable businesses in particular.

Why don’t you be the Go-To-Person for on how to make money from the road?

Opportunity featured on the Webinar: Ex-patriots

Ex-pats as they’re known, are people who for a host of reasons are living in another country.

The bad news, it’s really hard for a non-citizen to get a work permit which you need to get a job.

The good news is, it’s much easier to start certain kinds of businesses.

In fact, there are countries in South America giving huge tax breaks to foreigners to renovate small hotels or start other tourism-related businesses.

110316_5Dominika Meirnik lives in Rome, Italy.

Dominika is originally from Poland so she’s an ex-pat herself.

When I met Dominika she was already a successful life and career coach.

At the time she was only doing traditional employment-oriented career coaching.

But now she’s able to also work with people searching for a way to work for themselves.

Frankly, I think anyone already doing career coaching needs to be able to work with aspiring self-bossers as well.

You’ll not only grow your practice but you’ll grow your earnings as well.

Here’s Dominika talking about her work and the course that helped her do just that…%CODEDOMINIKA%

Opportunity Featured on the Webinar: People who want to live abroad


Here we’re looking at people whose main motivation for moving to another country is to find a slower pace of life and as importantly, a lower cost of living.

These are the people you see on the HGTV show International House Hunters.

This is a population that’s only expected to grow.

In fact, a reported 3.3 million American baby boomers are planning to retire abroad.

A trend that’s growing among Canadians and Europeans too.

But here again, it’s not easy to get a work permit.

Which means a lot of these people are very actively looking for ways to make money without a job-job.

Like having an online business, or doing things like import-export, freelance writing, or yes — coaching.

Before we go any further, I want to make clear that you don’t have to limit yourself to any one opportunity or group.

I started the changing course newsletter in 1995.

From day one, my niche has been anyone who wanted to change course from having a boss to being their own boss.

If you landed on my website and you resonated with the Changing Course motto to…

Live life on purpose… work at what you love… and follow your own road – then you were my people!

And now that I know you’re an idea person like me – you are doubly my people!

So you can tap into any or all of the opportunities here or I talk about on the Paid to Brainstorm Final Encore webinar happening Saturday, February 25th at noon ET.

But we’re still not done!

In the video I talked about various organizations who need people who know how to think outside the job box.

Here’s a few others…

Opportunity Featured on the Webinar:  Colleges and universities

Outside of Europe, the US, and Canada young people make up the majority of the population.

No wonder Sir Richard Branson and others are actively working to introduce college students and others to entrepreneurship.

Colleges and universities everywhere are the next big frontier for profiting from your career coaches.

Think about it –

You’ve got these tremendous shifts in the nature of work itself.

You’ve got more and more people working in the so-called gig economy and the sharing economy.

You’ve also got all these parents paying these crazy high tuitions pressuring colleges to make sure their kids graduate and find a good job.

Which means administrators at liberal arts colleges especially are scrambling to match their curriculum to the job market.

But what if instead of asking, how can we prepare our students to get a job, these same college administrators asked a different question…

Namely, how do we prepare our students to create a livelihood?

A livelihood could be a job-job.

But it could also be self-employment or some combination of a job and self-employment.

A livelihood could be being able to support yourself through your art or music or writing.

Or having multiple streams of income, like I do!

The point is, the very notion of creating a livelihood is so much more expansive than getting a job-job.

So not only would students be exposed to far more possibilities…

But the ability to come up with an income generating idea whenever they need one is a skill they’d have for the rest of their lives.

So for anyone who works at a college now – or anyone who wants to partner with colleges, there’s never been a better time to do it.

You could also work with alumni too.

Every college or university has an alumni association whose mission it is to bring value resources to their members.

That could be running a webinar or setting up a table to offer free coaching advice at their next gathering.

Opportunity Featured on the Webinar:  Professors


And students aren’t the only ones searching for alternatives. I’ve spoken at over 80 colleges and universities and I can tell you from experience that even some faculty are interested as well.

Especially faculty who didn’t get tenure or who started out thinking they wanted to go the professor route and then changed their mind.

Listen to What My Coaches Had to Say

I thought you might like to hear from a few of the people who are using my unique Profiting From Your Passions Formula.

Coincidentally, Dr. Beverly Farrow from West Virginia used to be a university professor herself. Today she still leads workshops — but for people like her who want to be their own boss.

Check out this short video of Beverly and the other “Opportunity Analysts” featured here.%CODETESTIMONIALPFYP%


NEW Opportunity #23 People who’ve been in prison


If you think it’s hard for ex-pats to get a job in another country – it’s even harder for ex-cons to find employment in their own country.

That’s why you see the Texas department of corrections among other states training select groups of prisoners in entrepreneurship.

No wonder a local non-profit counseling center that helps state and federal parolees recently wrote Profiting From Your Passions® coach Beverly Farrow into a grant to lead workshops to help ex-cons start a small business.

Personally I’d much rather see someone come out of prison who knows how to sell T-shirts or ice cream than drugs.

NEW Opportunity #24 Actors, film crew, and other creative types in between gigs

Susan Baker lives in LA.

She’s also spent years in the film industry.

So she knows from first-hand experience the need that actors, script writers, stage crew and others have for flexible income streams they can turn on between gigs.

Susan also knows a lot of people in and out of Hollywood are looking to escape the job world all together.

That’s why today Susan is a professional Escape Hatcher!

NEW Opportunity #25 Multi-Passionates or “Scanners”

My friend Barbara Sher calls them “scanners.”

Margaret Lobenstein calls them “Renaissance souls.”

The new term is “multi-passionates.”

Whatever you call them – people who have multiple gifts and passions represent a great opportunity!

After all, what better way to satisfy all those different interests than with multiple streams of income!

These are the people Camille Jeanmonod from Paris is tapping.

Camille even named her coaching practice WhyChooseOnlyOne.com!

Opportunity Featured on the Webinar: Niche with people in specific occupations

One of the other people you met in the video is attorney Kelly Monteiro Caesar.

Her niche is helping law students, other attorneys, and even judges who want to start a business. (If you saw Paid to Brainstorm Video #1, you saw the fun example of the judge who loved working with her hands!)

The legal profession isn’t the only one teaming with people who want to change course.

Did you know that a study found one in two doctors are burned out and have little interest in their work?

But remember what you learned in Paid to Brainstorm video #2…

Complaints equal opportunities!

110316_9Someone who seized on this opportunity is a physician named Akinniyi Osho, MD from England. But he’s also always had one business or another going on the side.

Today one of those businesses is being a Profiting From Your Passions® career coach.

Sometimes other doctors seek him out because they want to transition out of medicine altogether.

Others just want a business they can do on the side like he does.

So whether you work for the postal service… or in manufacturing… or in retail… or human resources… or sales… or in a-n-y job –

You can speak from personal experience about the frustrations of other people in your same job.

Still I’m Just Scratching the Surface

110316_10There are of course many MORE ways to profit from your gift for thinking outside the job box.

One recent graduate plans to lead retreats for others considering spending the winter in Ecuador but need to find ways to make money from abroad.

Another is traveling the country with her husband in an RV. Her plan? Partner with RV camps to put on workshops on how to earn an extra $500-$1000 from the road!

You’ll learn all about running workshops and retreats on the Webinar.

And at the end you’ll hear about a special offer that ENDS Monday, February 27th.

So you definitely want to plan to watch the Paid to Brainstorm Encore
Paid to Brainstorm

It goes away at midnight EST Monday, February 27.

I’ll even teach you some of the very techniques I use to help my own clients to profit from their passion.

Because my creative thinker friend, the only difference between you and me is I get paid to brainstorm — and as you’ll soon discover — so can you!