Do You Have a Plan B?

Do You Have a Plan B?

For the past couple of years, I’ve been coaching with a guy named Bo Eason. Unless you’re old enough to remember the Houston Oilers NFL team, you probably don’t know that he played for them before suffering a career-ending injury. He went on to develop and perform in...
Are You Motivated by Self-Interest?

Are You Motivated by Self-Interest?

Does the term “self-interest” have negative connotations for you? It’s sometimes considered synonymous with greed or lack of compassion for others. I read an article in the October 1 Seattle Times that had been published originally in the Sacramento Bee by the author...
The Conundrum of “Re-entry”

The Conundrum of “Re-entry”

I recently went to a business event for the first time in a long time. Even though it was small compared to many such events I’d been to in the past, I was nervous about being around a large group of people that I didn’t know very well. I used to love going to these...
Are We in a “Shecession”?

Are We in a “Shecession”?

Since the pandemic began, the economy and life as we’ve known it has been in upheaval. Schools and businesses were closed, people who could work from home were learning how to use Zoom and other videoconferencing and connection services. Some were finding out their...