by Changing Course | May 27, 2020 | Articles, In the Life, Profiting From Your Passions, Special Announcement, Val's Comments
I’m writing to let you know that after a quarter of a century as the Dreamer in Residence at Changing Course, I’m stepping down. If you read my recent post “Regret Nothing”, you’re probably not surprised. I told you about some recent losses in my life and a family...
by Changing Course | Jul 22, 2019 | Articles, Changing Course Newsletter, Outside the Job Box Career Expert, Profiting From Your Passions
My heart is heavy. Two members of the extended Changing Course family have passed away. Cheryl Young died in May. Jane Kirsch in June. Both left us too soon. To my knowledge, Cheryl and Jane never met, but they had a lot in common. They were both fiercely committed to...