Like many people of northern European descent, my people “don’t do heat.”
Fortunately, the Northeast is being rewarded for enduring the relentless snow storms of last winter with truly spectacular summer weather.
The days have been largely sunny and warm. Nights have been delightfully cool and at times downright chilly.
Best of all, there have been virtually none of the 90-plus degrees and muggy stretches we usually see.
The corn fields are tall, flowers in full bloom, and the many local farmers markets in full swing.
Last time I shared 3 cool “jobs” you can create or build on:
- Get paid to share your love of crafts
- Invent a new toy
- Cater to kids
In This Issue
In this issue we’ll look at three more cool jobs for people who love the bounties of summer. In one case, you don’t even need to work outdoors!
- Design floral arrangements
- Grow and sell plants from home
- Get back to the organic farm
As always, some of the cool ideas you’re about to “meet” come from people in an international community of licensed Profiting From Your Passion® coaches. I hope these ideas inspire you to make your own job!
[font family=”arial” size=”24″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”0″ alignment=”left” weight=”bold” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]Cool “Job” #10: Design floral arrangements[/font]
You don’t have to work out doors to arrange flowers. But you do need to know what you’re doing.
There are some great illustrated instruction books on Amazon:
Conferences are a great way to both get a feel for any field and to engage in continuing education. Consider attending the American Institute of Floral Designers national symposium, June 30 — July 4, 2015, in Denver.
Can’t afford to register? Starting later this fall the Institute’s foundation will once again take applications for scholarships.
They also offer a series of online courses for $79 or you can find a list of approved education partners in the US and internationally.
If you’re serious about floral design as a business (or even a j-o-b), check out Fab Jobs Guide to Becoming a Florist.
The guide can help you decide whether to buy an existing shop or a franchise or to open your own place and includes sections on how to write a business plan, required tools, equipment and supplies, finding and working with growers and wholesalers, marketing, delivery options, and more.
If being your own boss isn’t your thing, you’ll also learn how to get hired as a floral designer working in a small flower shop, for a chain, for a wholesaler, or in a grocery store.
[font family=”arial” size=”24″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”0″ alignment=”left” weight=”bold” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]Cool “Job” #11: Grow and sell plants from home[/font]
Mike McGroarty from Perry, Ohio has made thousands of extra dollars running a thriving home-based plant business.
According to Mike, you don’t need an entire farm to get into this fun and profitable seasonal business. In fact, he says you can do it on a mere 1/20 of an acre of land and sell your plants literally from your driveway.
People kept asking Mike how they too could make extra money growing plants from home.
Hint: When people want to know how you do something, listen to them, because it’s opportunity knocking.
Wisely, Mike did listen, and today he also sells a low-cost e-guide that that spells out how you can set up the same system where you live.
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[font family=”arial” size=”24″ color=”DE0202″ textshadow=”0″ alignment=”left” weight=”bold” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]Cool “Job” #12: Time to get back to the (organic) farm[/font]
Are you an organic food enthusiast who loves the idea of getting out from behind a computer and working the land? Then follow the trends my friend.
Between now and 2018 the organic food market in United States is forecasted to grow 14%.
If you just want to dip your toe in the water, check out World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. For a $40 membership you get a directory of 1,927 host farms in all 50 states, the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico that offer a variety of educational opportunities
You spend half a day on the farm (which includes room and board). Depending on what host farm you select, you can learn about growing vegetables, keeping bees, building straw bale houses, working with animals, making wine, and much more.
Or maybe you’re ready to dive into farming in a big way but lack the necessary knowledge and skills. If so consider applying for the year-long training offered on the 183-acre Farm School in Athol, Massachusetts.
You can choose from such wide ranging subjects as dairy farming, food preservation, forestry, green house propagation, pest and disease control, acquiring farm land, business planning, marketing and much more.
They also have an optional three-week winter trip to a farm in Tuscany. Sweet!
At $18,000, which includes housing, it’s definitely not cheap. But when you see how former students have crafted their own cool jobs or enterprises, you may decide it’s an investment worth making.
A less expensive (but also more limited) training option can be found at the Organic Farm School situated on the historic Greenbank Farm on Whidbey Island in northwest Washington State. The publicly owned farm consists of 500+ acres that include fields, forest, wetlands, and a 10-acre economic development center.
Tuition for their 7.5 month program is $5,200 (payment plans are available) plus $180 a month for housing.
Both farm schools also exemplify the beauty of multiple streams of income.
In addition to selling farm fresh products, the Athol farm has a summer youth camp, runs its own accredited middle school housed in a converted chicken coop, and hosts children on field trips from other schools.
The Whidbey Island location runs a community school that offers shorter classes taught by volunteers and rents out space for wine tastings, dog shows, and other local events.
Add Your Voice to the Cool Job Tribe
Thousands of heads are always better than one!
How would you build on any of these cool jobs? What other options, ideas, or additional profit centers did you picture? What other cool jobs have you spotted lately? Post below!