More Don’t Miss Conferences

July 20, 2018 |

Last week you discovered how conferences are a fun and easy way to learn how to make money doing what you love from experts and people who are doing it.  

It’s also a place to: 

– scope out entrepreneurial opportunities 

– find potential clients/customers 

– find vendors

– meet potential joint venture partners

– or even a possible business  

Every year hundreds of thousands of conferences large and small happen all over the world – some even in your own backyard. 

Click here to learn about conferences for romance writers, beer lovers, early American history buffs, dog lovers, and bloggers.    

Here are six more don’t miss conferences — plus tips on how to find the right conference for you and your unique interests.  

2019 Will Be Here Before You Know It   

Larger conferences start advertising a year ahead. 

And 2019 will be here before you know it!  

After all, conferences happening in January open registration in the fall. 

This gives you time to: 

  • do some research about your new career path/business opportunity 
  • start saving for the registration fee and take full advantage of any early bird pricing 
  • get a credit card that gives you airline or hotel points 
  • and otherwise prepare to take maximum advantage of your conference experience 

Horses and Healing  


Love horses and serving others? You’re not alone!   

The Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association sprang out of the growing movement to use horses to help disabled children, veterans and others suffering from post-traumatic stress, and others to learn, heal, and grow. Their 2018 conference is over – but the agenda is still available. 

That way you can get an idea of what it’s all about and get on the mailing list so you’re ready for next year’s event.  

Furniture Making 

The Furniture Society conference happened earlier this year as well.  

But you can still view the agenda from the 2018 conference, to get a feel for what it’s all about. 

If you’re like me, you may be surprised by both the range of topics and how many speakers were women!  

Senior Movers  

As people age or become widowed they often look to downsize to smaller homes or over 55 communities.

Those who can no longer live on their own, will move to assisted living or nursing facilities.  

Packing up a lifetime of belongings is daunting at any age. All the more so for seniors and their adult children who may not live nearby. 

If you love organizing and enjoy working with seniors, you need to know about the growing field of helping seniors who willingly or reluctantly are facing relocation. 

The 2018 annual conference of the National Association of Senior Movers is over. Fortunately, you can purchase the conference recordings.  

That way you’ll be well prepared when you go to the 2019 event in San Diego. 

If you’re more curious than committed, for $59 you can purchase an overview of the specialty via a 45 minute webinar.


Would you love to learn how to craft and sell exquisite glass beads? 

The International Society of Glass Bead Makers has regional chapters in the US and Canada as well as Italy, Germany, Turkey, and Australia. 

The site also offers books and other educational information including links to members and organizations that offer classes. 

The annual US conference is next April in Las Vegas. 

Or for a far more international experience, head to The Borneo International Bead conference 

How to Find the Right Conference for You 

The quickest way is to do a search for [your interest] and the word conference.  

If you don’t want to travel far, start by searching more locally either by state/province or region. 

It may take some digging.  

For instance, when I typed in New England organic farm conference I found an association with outdated event listings from 2012. 

Turns out though, that there is a Northeast Organic farmer

Once you reach any association site look for a link that says events.  

My own 2-minute search uncovered a fabulous conference happening six miles from my house! 

If nothing comes up, start looking specifically for associations. Then click on their event tab. 

With minimal effort you could find your tribe, gain valuable education and connections, and launch a whole new life doing what you love!  

Still Trying to Find Your Calling?

Since 1995 I’ve helped thousands of people go from confusion to clarity. 

If you’re still trying to find a way to connect the dots between what you love to do and how you can get paid to do it, schedule one of a limited number of Work at What You Love consultations today. 

To find out if a Work at What You Love consultation is right for you call 413-203-9754 eastern. 

Outside the US send an email to with your Skype ID and I’ll get back to you with a meeting time. 

Whether you want to make an extra $500-$1,000 a month or replace your paycheck, it all begins with a great idea!